Monthly Archives: September 2019


Rob Surgical has closed a €5 million investment round with the Dutch holding Scranton Enterprises to fund the final phase of the new Bitrack System and launch the product on the market. Osborne Clarke and RCD law firms provided advice throughout the process.

“This investment will allow us to obtain CE certification in 30 months? said Jaume Amat, CEO of Rob Surgical and president of CataloniaBio & HealthTech.

The Bitrack System will be an alternative to the current laparoscopy surgical robot Da Vinci, and will be an improvement on what is currently available in terms of efficiency. “Our value proposition that differentiates us from other surgical robots is based on three cornerstones: high precision benefiting the patient, superior usability for the surgeon and a significant total cost of ownership reduction benefiting hospitals”, explains Amat.

To achieve this, the Rob Surgical engineers, led by the professors Josep Amat and Alícia Casals, have designed a flexible, modular and open robotic platform that “will improve the effectiveness of today’s robotic surgery and make it accessible to more hospitals around the world”, adds Jaume Amat. “We will make possible combined manual and robotic surgery, what we like to call hybrid mininum invasive surgery (HMIS)” says Amat.

The new robot has already been technically validated in experimental models, used by surgeons from the Mayo Clinic (United States) and the Barcelona university hospitals ClinicVall d’Hebron and Germans Trias. Between 2019 and 2021 Rob Surgical will build three new units to finalise the validation and industrialisation process, will expand the corporate and engineering team and will conduct the final safety and functionality trials.

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