Monthly Archives: May 2023


Surgical robot Bitrack System Rob Surgical

Rob Surgical improves on current robotics and offers a flexible and versatile open platform consisting of a column of four arms that allow the movements of surgical instruments to be controlled with sub-millimeter precision. The Rob Surgical System improves the efficiency of current surgical robotics, allowing high-precision surgery to be universalized.

The Bitrack System surgical robot is designed to facilitate the work of surgeons by offering multiple advantages. One of them is the low impact of the robot in the operating room.

The minimal impact of the robot is broken down into different benefits. Inside the operating room, its footprint is minimal, facilitating the mobility and work of surgeons. Its unique robotic spine architecture provides multi-quadrant surgical access allowing placement of the robotic station in any position around the patient. The surgeon and his assistant work comfortably in collaboration with the robot. When the surgical robot has finished its task, it can be easily removed to give surgeons full working space.

Its compact and agile design makes it an excellent option not only for large hospitals and clinics, but also for small and medium-sized hospitals, making it easy to transport through corridors and being suitable for accesses, doors and elevators in smaller centers.

Bitrack System Rob Surgical

The Bitrack System robot is designed to overcome the limitations of current robotic systems, occupying a minimum space and favoring mobility according to the needs of the moment, whether inside the operating room or in the center’s facilities.


robot quirúrgico rob surgical bitrack system

Rob Surgical’s precision surgery robot benefits patients, surgeons and hospitals. Some of the most outstanding advantages are the low impact in the operating room, the precision and safety of the interventions, the ergonomics and ease of use. Today we are talking about one of the most valued and differential factors of the Bitrack System: it is designed to perform hybrid surgeries.

What are hybrid surgeries?

The high precision provided by RAS (Robot Assisted Surgery) is often not required during the entire surgical procedure. Hybrid surgery is a new surgical approach that allows MIS and MIRS to be combined in the same process, thus taking advantage of laparoscopic surgery and robotic surgery in the same surgical procedure. Additionally, Rob Surgical offers the possibility of automatic camera guidance also when working with manual instruments.

Hybrid surgery benefits the patient, the surgeon and the hospital, combining the robotic system’s precision and safety with the possibility of reducing surgical times, thus increasing the rotation of the operating room. The possibility of using generic instruments and trocars and combining them with flexible robotics allows the robot to intervene only when it is needed and reduces the time and costs of each intervention.

It is an ergonomic and intuitive system, that allows an easy and fast draping and docking process.

The surgical robot offers the surgeon fine and precise control, reducing risks. The Bitrack System’s 4 arms with 7 degrees of freedom move more fluidly and precisely than human hands, reducing surgeon fatigue and improving control during surgery.

consola bitrack system rob surgical

Hybrid surgery, the differential factor of Rob Surgical’s robot, was born with the conviction of providing a solution to the real needs of medical teams. We put engineering at the service of surgeons to offer maximum precision and safety in every intervention.


surgical robot bitrack system rob surgical

Rob Surgical is dedicated to the design and development of new robotic systems with the goal of universalizing precision surgery and bringing its benefits to all hospitals, surgeons and patients around the world. Bitrack, its open platform surgical robot, is the result of more than ten years of leading research by a team of renowned experts, including Josep Amat.

Josep Amat is a Doctor in Industrial Engineering and professor emeritus of Architecture and Computer Science at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). He is an adviser to the Robotics and Vision Group at CREB-UPC. From 1991 to 2006 he was visiting professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and is a member of the Institute of Catalan Studies and the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona.

Josep Amat, Rob Surgical

His current research is focused on robotic surgery and we caught up with him to learn about the conceptualization and development of Rob Surgical’s Bitrack System surgical robot.

Dr. Josep Amat, how did the idea of designing a surgical robot come about?

It was more than 10 years ago, at the Vall d’Hebron Hospital. We attended a round table with research teams from different sectors. A surgeon from the Mayo Clinic was present at that meeting who, after hearing about our advances in robotics, asked us if we could apply engineering to offer solutions to surgeons. At that time the seeds of what is now Rob Surgical were sown.

What is the founding purpose of Rob Surgical?

Rob Surgical improves on current robotics and offers a flexible and versatile open platform consisting of a column of four arms that allow the movements of surgical instruments to be controlled with sub-millimeter precision. The Rob Surgical System improves the efficiency of current surgical robotics, allowing high-precision surgery to be universalized.

The value proposition is based on three pillars: high precision and safety that benefits the patient, superior usability for the surgeon and a significant reduction in the total cost per surgery that benefits hospitals, since it does not require a dedicated operating room, it requires less staff, does not require prior training and admits hybrid surgeries.

What do you mean by “hybrid surgeries”?

The differential factor of Rob Surgical lies in the possibility of performing hybrid surgeries, alternating between manual maneuvers and high-precision ones assisted by the robot. This is all thanks to the concept of an open platform and the possibility of doing set-up and docking very quickly and intuitively, which allows the robot to intervene only in the most delicate parts, reducing the time and cost of each intervention. Its operation is effortless to learn, and its ergonomics and usability allow the surgeon to make the most of his medical skills with the extreme precision of a robotic system. Hybrid surgery makes it possible to put the patient and the surgeon’s needs back at the center of the surgical procedure.

surgical robot bitrack system rob surgical

Thank you very much for your time, Dr. Josep Amat.

The purpose of Rob Surgical is the clear example of engineering at the service of surgery, bringing all the technological advantages of robotics to precision surgery, to be complemented by the expert knowledge of surgeons.