Monthly Archives: August 2023


Jaume Amat

Jaume Amat, CEO of Rob Surgical, is at the head of the innovative company specialized in precision surgery. Its new Bitrack System surgical robot is in the final phase for certification and has already successfully completed its first operations on live patients.

“It is the entry point in the final stretch of the certification process. It will allow us, by mid-2024, to have the robot certified and make our purpose, which is to universalize precision surgery, a reality.” declares Jaume Amat after the success of the first interventions at the Hospital Clínic.

The Rob Surgical team has been in charge of the project from the conceptualization phase to the present. “The surgical robot technology is 100% in-house. We are the owners of the entire mechanical solution, the electronics, the software… and, therefore, we have a very deep knowledge of the system, which has allowed us to be very flexible and agile in development.” confirms the CEO of the company.

Since its inception, Jaume Amat’s career has been linked to the MEDTECH and BIOTECH sector. After graduating as a Technical Telecommunications Engineer from the Ramon Llull-La Salle University, he completed his training with the IESE Management Development Program (PDD-2009), the Auckland Business School’s Motivation and Leadership Program and the Leadership Program Social of ESADE.

His career is full of challenges and innovative projects. He was part of the founding team of Archivel Farma, a company dedicated to developing a vaccine against Latent Tuberculosis Infection and, as general director, he led the formation of the team and the raising of public and private financing. During this period, a vaccine manufacturing plant was built, it was registered as a Pharmaceutical Laboratory and the Phase I clinical studies of the RUTI vaccine were successfully carried out.

In 2010, he founded Bioemprèn, a consultancy specialized in advising scientists and accompanying them to turn their research work into valuable companies. From Bioemprèn he participated in the creation of more than 10 renowned companies such as Aniling, GoodGut acquired by Hipra, Manremyc, PatConsult and VCN Biosciences.

His adventure with Rob Surgical began in 2012, being part of the founding team of the company and assuming the general direction from the first moment. “The project was born at the university and by a group of engineers who are experts in robotics. They did the exercise of rationalizing what a surgical robot should be like that would respond to the needs of surgeons and at the same time be able to improve the shortcomings that were observed in surgical robotics at the time.”

Jaume Amat, motivated by the challenge, did not hesitate to immerse himself fully in the project of the new surgical robot. “The process was carried out by expert surgeons and many surgeries were attended to analyze the movements of the surgeon and his team during surgical procedures.”

In addition to assuming the direction of Rob Surgical, Jaume Amat also directs and is founder of SPECIPIG, a preclinical CRO specialized in the porcine model, and was president of CataloniaBio & HealthTech, with more than 240 companies and knowledge-generating entities.


operating with bitrack system

Approximately 2% of all directed procedures are performed with a robot, a total of 55M procedures per year. Until now, robotic surgery has been perceived as difficult to use, with limited versatility and, consequently, low use. Given this scenario, the opportunity arises to offer a robotic solution that is easy to use, versatile, safe and low in cost, promoting the universalization of precision surgery.

From this idea, Rob Surgical’s Bitrack robot was born. It is designed to overcome the limitations of current robotic systems and provide an on-demand service with the motto “Use the robot when you really need it”.

By expanding the use of robotic surgery, we universalize precision surgery. The benefits of Rob Surgical’s Bitrack robot focus on three pathways:


o  High precision and performance

o  Security


o  Ergonomics and usability

o  Draping and quick coupling

o  Quick training

o  Hybrid or on-demand surgery


o  Uses: urology, gynecology and GI

o   Open platform

o   Data base

o   Cost reduction

o  One robot for multiple operating rooms

According to current trends, 60 million abdominal procedures are performed worldwide, and the Bitrack robot is capable of performing most of these procedures (90% urology, 55% gynecology, and 75% GI).

At Rob Surgical, we have detected the needs of the market that consist of obtaining a versatile and simple hybrid surgery solution. These premises have been achieved through Bitrack. In addition, Rob Surgical’s robot is focused on digitization, taking into account Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, medical imaging, vision systems and virtual reality.


mireia musquera operating with bitrack system

In this second part of the compilation of images from the first series of operations on living patients with the Bitrack System robot, we show the key moments of the intervention. If you haven’t seen the prep phase yet, check out part 1 of this article.

Below are the different procedures from the beginning of the surgery to the end of the intervention.

Manual initiation of surgery (MIS)

bitrack system with lluis peri in the operating room


docking bitrack surgical robot

Console with 3D vision and ergonomic system

3d console rob surgical robot

Full patient accessibility

surgical robot bitrack system operation

The robot is combined with the generic equipment of the operating room

surgical robot bitrack system in the operating room

Easy removal and cleaning

surgical robot bitrack system

The robot has minimal impact in the operating room and allows assistants to work alongside the surgeon

operating room hospital clinic

It is designed to combine conventional surgery with robotic surgery (MIS to MIRS)

operating with rob surgical robot

manual and robotic surgery

The robot is removed and the last procedures are performed manually

surgical procedure in hospital clinic

Once the operation is complete, the robot is completely collected and can be moved through all types of hospitals and clinics, facilitating access in elevators and doors.

operating room bitrack system surgical robot


Last May 2023, Rob Surgical reached a new milestone by completing the first series of operations on living patients in collaboration with Hospital Clínic de Barcelona.

Three radical nephrectomies were performed with satisfactory results and no adverse events were detected after a 30-day follow-up. The medical team was led by Dr. Lluís Peri and Dr. Mireia Musquera, both specialists from the Urology service of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona.

During the interventions, all the advantages of the Bitrack surgical robot could be verified: minimal impact in the operating room, patient accessibility, fast installation, fast draping, docking process, open robotic platform, hybrid surgery, ergonomics and usability.

Through this compilation of images we show you the preparation before starting the intervention. In the second part, published in this same blog, you can consult the images of the operation.

Transport of the robot around the hospital

transport of the surgical robot bitrack system in hospital

transport of the surgical robot bitrack system in hospital

Robot access to the operating room

surgical robot bitrack system in the operating room

Fast draping

draping bitrack system rob surgical

draping bitrack system rob surgical

Patient preparation

operating room

Installation of the Bitrack robot next to the patient

robot bitrack in the operating room

You can see the course of the operation until its completion in part II of this article.


surgical robot bitrack system in the operating room

Rob Surgical’s Bitrack surgical robot is designed to offer new advantages in robotic surgery. One of the differentials of the Bitrack robot is the multi-quadrant surgical access.

The unique architecture of the robotic spine provides multi-quadrant surgical access allowing placement of the robotic station in any position around the patient, allowing for anatomical four-quadrant access and full patient accessibility.

“The design of the Bitrack robot allows it to be very close to the patient throughout the entire operation and to have enough non-collision space to be able to work comfortably” says Dr. Mireia Musquera, Urologist at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona who directed the first operations of the Bitrack robot with living patients.

The Bitrack surgical robot has a minimal impact in the operating room, and can be removed when not needed and takes up very little space. During the operation, thanks to its unique architecture, the scrub doctor and the assistant surgeon can work comfortably next to the patient and share space with the robot.

All this translates into benefits for the surgeon, who has full access and freedom of movement, but also for the patient, who is accompanied at all times by medical specialists.

This characteristic is also related to hybrid surgery or on-demand surgery. The surgeon initiates the surgery with manual instruments and quickly and easily transitions to robotic surgery, controlling the process at all times.

At Rob Surgical, we put technology at the service of health with the aim of universalize precision surgery.