Monthly Archives: September 2023


Todd Usen

Todd Usen, appointed leader of the Board of Directors last July, visited the Rob Surgical facilities a few weeks ago. During the visit he was able to meet the entire team, attend the live operations carried out by the Bitrack robotic system and work alongside the CEO, Jaume Amat, on the company’s next challenges.

Todd’s collaboration will be essential in the commercialization stage of the Bitrack System open robotic platform, which aims to enter hospitals in 2024 after receiving European certification, which is already in the final phase.

Todd Usen will lead the commercialization project that will allow us to meet the goal of having 50 units of the surgical platform installed in hospitals throughout Europe by 2025, as well as the intensive use of the robot in more than 500 surgeries in the urological field. His contribution and global experience will be key to designing and implementing the installation plan for the first 50 units, as well as offering advice and support to hospital centers that will act as early adopters of Bitrack technology.

During the visit, Todd congratulated the team for their progress and thanked them for their dedication and efforts to universalize the benefits of precision surgery, which will undoubtedly bring benefits to patients, surgeons and hospitals around the world.

Todd Usen and Jaume Amat with robot Bitrack

“It has been fantastic meeting the team at Rob Surgical. All of them are the reason why I deeply believe in Rob Surgical. I have felt very welcomed and I am looking forward to learning from them and working together.” declared Todd Usen, in an interview that will soon be available on this blog. “I have been absolutely impressed by the capabilities and possibilities of Bitrack. Listening to the surgeons’ feedback after a live operation has been very motivating and confirms the good future prospects.”

It is a privilege to have Todd’s talent, experience, energy and dedication. Todd is a highly respected MedTech executive with extensive experience in growth companies and corporate governance. For the past 25 years, Todd has served as Chairman, Non-Executive Director and CEO leading organizations from technology concept to FDA approval and CE marking.

Todd Usen with surgeons

“Todd is an experienced professional who shares our purpose and values. We look forward to working closely with him to take Rob Surgical to the next level,” highlights Jaume Amat, CEO of Rob Surgical.


Jaume Amat in LSI Medtech

This Wednesday, September 20, Jaume Amat, CEO of Rob Surgical, presented the company’s latest news and advances at the Emerging Medtech Summit Europe ’23, placing special emphasis on the final stretch in the certification process.

In the current context, surgical procedures performed by robots only reach 3% of total interventions and each installed robot performs less than one surgery per day. Because of this, only a very limited number of patients benefit from robotic surgery.

Rob Surgical’s system, Bitrack, aims to universalize precision surgery, reaching more patients, facilitating its use and increasing its versatility while reducing costs.

“The atmosphere and activity at the LSI confirms the good moment the sector is experiencing! The mix of already consolidated companies, innovative companies in the growth phase and specialized investors make the LSI the perfect setting and the ideal place to stay up to date and generate value synergies,” declared Jaume Amat.

Bitrack System is the 4-arm surgical robot and on-demand system that allows you to use the robot when you need the robot and switch to manual surgery when necessary. Everything, with maximum agility and speed.

Rob Surgical’s high-precision surgery robot has already been successfully tested with live patients at the Hospital Clínic and European certification will soon be achieved, which will allow production to begin and have 50 robots installed by 2025.


Rob Surgical robot operating

Rob Surgical is in the final approval phase for its surgical robot. It is expected to receive Europe wide certification in mid 2024 and in the USA in mid 2025. Bitrack System, Rob Surgical robot,  is the only 4-arms, open platform, on-demand and accessible robotic solution in the market aimed at giving surgeons open access to patients; for hospitals lower cost and better versatility; and for patients access to benefits of robotic surgeries that are currently only for 2% of cases.

The precision surgery company announced in June that it had successfully performed the first surgeries with its surgical robot in collaboration with Hospital Clínic, the prelude to its certification. Rob Surgical will be  the 8th company to reach CE marking.

Rob Surgical has just incorporated Todd Usen to lead its growth plan. Mr. Usen is a highly respected healthcare executive with extensive experience in scaling and corporate governance. Todd has previously worked as Chairman, Non-Executive Director and CEO leading organizations from technology concept to FDA and CE mark clearance over the last 25 years.

With these milestones achieved, the company confirms its marketing and production plan for 2025, which include the manufacture and installation of 50 units of its surgical platform in hospitals throughout Europe, as well as intensive use of the robot in over 500 surgeries in the urological field, for which the company will have validated the full scope of the interventions. The company, which has raised more than €20 million through different investment rounds, is exploring new partnerships with key partners to achieve its goals by 2025.


surgical robot Bitrack System Rob Surgical

The new Bitrack System surgical robot is the technology at the service of surgeons, focused on the benefits it brings to specialists and patients.

The Bitrack System surgical robot provides benefits to hospitals, surgeons and patients around the world. All this thanks to the development of proprietary technology applied to precision surgery.

Jaume Amat, CEO and alma mater of Rob Surgical, has been present in all phases of the design process, from conceptualization to the success of the first operations performed on live patients. We chatted with him to see in detail what are the main advantages and benefits that the Bitrack system offers.

What are the most notable advantages of the Bitrack robot?

Rob Surgical was born from intense and deep collaboration with surgeons from the main hospitals in the world. After much research and many surgeries, we realized that the needs of the patient and the surgeon had taken a backseat.

The robot marked the course and timing of the surgery and we believed that it was not the best way to proceed. Thus, we set out to create a system that would put the patient and surgical practice back in the foreground. The Bitrack system is an open platform that enables the concept of hybrid surgery in which the surgeon can easily, quickly and naturally combine the advantages of robotic surgery and all the flexibility of manual laparoscopic surgery.

What are the benefits for surgeons?

The combination of the concept of hybrid surgery with the fact that the Bitrack is an open platform that allows it to be used in combination with a long list of instruments, equipment and conventional consumables, reduces the learning curve of surgeons and facilitates and naturalizes their use.

The system has a very short start-up time. This, added to the idea of an open platform, allows the surgeon not to have to pre-plan the use he will make of the robot before starting the surgery.

The robot is a tool for precision surgery that is available to the surgeon to be used when required, without the need for prior planning. Its use is on demand and it is naturally and quickly incorporated into the surgical procedure.

What are the benefits for patients?

Robotics allows surgeons to work with more precision. A very important fact is that, in manual laparoscopic surgery, precision depends greatly on the experience of the surgeons. Robotics allows clinical results to be unified and equalized and that these do not depend only on a specific surgeon or a specific center.

Thus, the Bitrack system allows us to universalize precision surgery and make it available to many more patients. At a much more concrete level, the Bitrack system incorporates certain design characteristics and certain functionalities that allow minimizing the stresses that other robotic systems cause on the patient’s abdominal wall. The Bitrack system allows free fluctuation of the abdominal cavity caused by the patient’s own breathing. We call this feature Dynamic Fulcrum Point and it is a specific solution for our system.

Thank you very much for your time, Jaume.

The advantages of the Bitrack robot are aimed at its main objective: universalizing precision surgery. In this way, it is intended that more hospitals can access high-precision robotic surgery and benefit their surgeons and patients.


LSI Emerging medtech summit

On September 18th, the Emerging Medtech Summit Europe ’23 opens in Barcelona, which will take place at the Ritz-Carlton and the Hotel Arts until September 22th.

The event is the epicenter of medical technology and will bring together leaders in medical and health technologies along with investors and entrepreneurs. A top-level congress with the presence of the industry’s top visionaries, opinion leaders and professionals from around the world.

Jaume Amat, CEO of Rob Surgical, will be present at the Panel on Wednesday, September 20th, starting at 4:50 p.m., along with the most influential executives in the world in the MedTech sector. With them we will share the progress of our high-precision open platform, all the milestones achieved so far and the company’s growth plans.

Jaume Amat at LSI Europe Emerging Medtech Summit

We are proud that Rob Surgical is sharing an event with the great leaders of the industry and eager to learn about the innovations of the best emerging and cutting-edge companies.

Congress days are days of meetings and reunions. Do not hesitate to contact us via LSI’s partnering app or at

Check the event agenda by clicking here.