Monthly Archives: December 2023


Engineer with surgical robot Bitrack

The first robot manufactured in Catalonia is already operating on patients at the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona. In 2024, it is expected to obtain registration from the European authorities and the next step will be to make the leap to the United States.

The operations carried out so far have been successfully completed and the manufacturing of more robotic units has already begun at the company’s plant in El Prat de Llobregat.

The objective of the project, as stated by Jaume Amat, CEO of Rob Surgical, is clear: “democratize and universalize precision surgery”. With this statement he exposes the desire to make precision surgery available to medium or small hospitals, such as regional hospitals in Catalonia.

Rob Surgical’s proposal is to make a robot that is much lower in cost and does not require such a large investment for the centers. Thus, other centers will be able to access digital surgery without having to make a large investment and patients will be able to be treated without having to travel to the capital’s large hospitals.

“This reduces the cost per operation to more than half of what each intervention with a current robot currently costs,” says Jaume Amat. It also highlights the advantage of the design of this surgical robot: it allows for more intensive use and very easy transportation, in such a way that operations could be performed in a center and the next day moved to another location, optimizing its performance.


Equipo de Rob Surgical

We reach the last days of the year and it is a good time to look back and recognize all the work of the team and collaborators, who have made it possible to achieve important achievements.

The path towards the universalization of precision surgery involves moving forward with a firm and confident step, obtaining the necessary certifications and authorizations, demonstrating the reliability of the Bitrack system.

A year of success

Presence at the Mobile World Congress 2023 (MWC23), which is the first opportunity to see and perform simulations of abdominal operations with the robot and the technological platform.

Rob Surgical receives authorization to conduct clinical trials.

We completed the first series of operations on patients in collaboration with the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona. The nephrectomies performed by the Clínic Urology Service team with the surgical robot are carried out satisfactorily without any adverse events.

Todd Usen joins the Rob Surgical team to lead the Board of Directors.

We shared the evolution of the Rob Surgical project at the Emerging Medtech Summit LSI Europe ’23, the most influential event in the world in the MedTech sector.
Todd Usen visits the Rob Surgical facilities in Barcelona and attends an intervention with the Bitrack robot.

We extend the collaboration agreement with the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona and begin a new series of interventions with patients. The achievement of these operations allows us to continue advancing and expanding the scope of usefulness of the Bitrack robot, with the aim of covering all the needs of Urology and extending its use to other specialties.

The second series of interventions is carried out with patients at the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona.

It has been a year of great success that has taken us to the starting point of the production of robotic units at our facilities in El Prat de Llobregat. We continue working to reach the next goal: 50 units installed in European hospitals by 2025.


Mireia Musquera operating with bitrack system of Rob Surgical

Medicine and surgery are undergoing a paradigm shift in which they seek to complete interventions by making the minimum incision. For this reason, precision robotic surgery is now the most valued and the solution that makes the most sense. Rob Surgical’s Bitrack robot aims to universalize precision surgery, offering a hybrid surgery system and an open platform that facilitates its compatibility.

These are the technological innovations included in the Bitrack system:

Robotic system

Rob Surgical’s Bitrack system is an open robotic platform, compatible with the systems, monitors, cameras and trocars that the hospital already has.

In addition, it allows hybrid surgery. That is, the robot is used only when necessary and changes to traditional surgery when necessary.

Artificial intelligence

The Bitrack system is equipped with artificial intelligence functions that allow the surgical robot to remain constantly evolving. These functions include intelligent laparoscopy, navigation system, respiratory movement and compensation system.

Single-use instruments

One of the great advantages of the Bitrack system is its single-use instruments. They save cleaning costs and are compatible with the same trocars.

Diagnostic imaging

Imaging diagnosis is combined in real time with data analysis and learning functions so that the artificial intelligence system can improve the safety and performance of the robot.

Vision and virtual reality system

Bitrack is an open platform supporting innovative visualization systems. The 3D vision system allows surgeons to work with a visualization very close to reality.

Data system

Surgical data are collected during surgery. This information is very useful in relation to information services, commercial KPIs and clinical KPIs.

These innovative functionalities translate into multiple benefits for patients, surgeons and hospitals. You can learn about them in more detail by clicking here.


Dr Lluis Peri operating with surgical robot Bitrack

The alliance between Rob Surgical and the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona adds new milestones with an extension of the collaboration agreement in the field of Urology. In June 2023, the first round of operations was successfully completed and currently, in November, the second series of interventions with patients is being carried out.

In this phase, not only partial but also radical nephrectomies will be performed, expanding the scope of clinical studies of the Bitrack surgical robot.

Dr. Antonio Alcaraz leads the team of surgeons in charge of the interventions, made up of Dr. Lluís Peri, Head of the Functional and Reconstructive Urology Section at the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, and Dr. Mireia Musquera. We spoke with Dr. Peri to find out his impressions about the Bitrack surgical robot and precision surgery.