Monthly Archives: January 2024


Bitrack surgical robot, easy transport

Faced with the challenge “how can we ensure that a greater number of patients benefit from robotic surgery?”, we have found the answer: by quickly and agilely transferring the Bitrack surgical robot. Its characteristics give it the ability to change operating rooms when it is no longer needed and start working on a new intervention in the same center or even in another hospital.

The open platform, disposable instruments, easy and quick docking, hybrid surgery… The Bitrack surgical robot is designed to improve the efficiency of current minimally invasive surgery. It has been manufactured thinking about benefiting patients and hospitals, but also all the medical staff present in the operating room: surgeons, nurses, assistants…

The design of the Bitrack system and its features allow professionals to carry out their work more agilely, easily and quickly. In the following video, we see how hybrid surgery and the ease of transport of the surgical robot make it possible for the robot to leave the operating room while the surgeon finishes the sutures after the intervention.

The Bitrack robot is very compact and manageable. Its small size makes it ideal for any type of hospital, with easy access through all doors and elevators.

The result of these advantages is clear: the time and cost per surgery is lower, the different operating room professionals can work comfortably and the robot can be easily transported to other areas of the hospital or even to other centers.


Josep Amat, Rob Surgical

The Bitrack System surgical robot bases its value proposition on three pillars: high precision and safety that benefits the patient, superior usability for the surgeon and reduction of surgical costs for the hospital. This project was born more than 10 years ago, with an idea that arose at a meeting at the Vall d’Hebron Hospital. Dr. Josep Amat, Chief Scientific Officer of Rob Surgical, was present at that meeting.

Josep Amat is a Doctor in Industrial Engineering and emeritus professor of Architecture and Computer Science at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). He is an advisor to the CREB-UPC Robotics and Vision Group. From 1991 to 2006 he was a visiting professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and is a member of the Institute of Catalan Studies and the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona. He currently focuses his research on robotic surgery and the development of the Bitrack System surgical robot.

From the first concept, Dr. Amat’s desire has been to improve current robotic surgery and make it available to as many beneficiaries as possible: “Rob Surgical improves current robotics and offers a flexible and versatile open platform formed by a four-arm column that allow controlling the movements of surgical instruments with submillimeter precision. The Rob Surgical system improves the efficiency of current surgical robotics, allowing high-precision surgery to be universalized,” explains Dr. Josep Amat.

Reducing the cost per operation is one of the challenges that Rob Surgical had to face, allowing more medical centers and hospitals to offer the robotic surgery service: “Bitrack offers a significant reduction in the total cost per surgery that benefits hospitals, since It does not require a dedicated operating room, it requires less staff and supports hybrid surgeries”.

The cost reduction has been possible thanks to many factors, such as its design and ease of transport, which allows the same surgical robot to operate in different hospitals, compatibility with the instruments that the hospital already has and hybrid surgery, which reduces the time and cost of each intervention. “The differentiating factor of Rob Surgical lies in the possibility of performing hybrid surgeries, alternating manual maneuvers and high-precision maneuvers assisted by the robot” explains Dr. Amat.

In short, Dr. Josep Amat defines the Rob Surgical robot as engineering at the service of surgeons: “Its ergonomics and usability allow the surgeon to make the most of their medical skills, with the extreme precision of a robotic system. “Hybrid surgery allows us to put the patient and the surgeon’s needs back at the center of the surgical procedure”.


Dra Mireia Musquera operating with bitrack

The technical advantages of the Bitrack System surgical robot are many and make a difference, but at Rob Surgical we know that not only the characteristics of the robot are important, it is also essential to know the sensations of the technology in expert hands, such as those of surgeons.

For this reason, we exchanged impressions with the medical team to find out how they feel operating with the Bitrack robot.

Dr. Mireia Musquera was part of the team that performed the first operations of the Bitrack System surgical robot with real patients, together with Dr. Lluís Peri and under the direction of Dr. Alcaraz. She is a Urologist at the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona and a specialist in minimally invasive surgery, kidney transplant and urology.

After the interventions with the Bitrack robot, Dr. Musquera highlights the benefits of minimally invasive surgery, with better results in terms of aesthetics and comorbidity: “Working with Bitrack improves the quality of surgeries, improves vision, improves movements and also the magnification. All this contributes to making surgery much more precise.”

Some of the aspects most valued by the Urologist at the Clínic were the proximity to the patient, the extreme precision, the comfort of the work space, the ease of learning… but she especially highlighted the experience of working with 3D vision: “Three-dimensional vision dimensions during the laparoscopic operation and the robot-assisted operation provides better visualization of the field.” She even equated it to the vision of open surgery: “It is as if you were performing open surgery, seeing the structures and depth much better.”

At Rob Surgical we work together with the medical team to put technology at their service, with tools that improve their work and magnify their surgical skills.


Surgical robot Bitrack System Rob Surgical

Robotic surgery is not as new as it seems. Robots have been operated on for more than 20 years, but they are only used for 3% of all surgeries that could be done with robots. This is due to the slow, expensive and inflexible robotics that current systems provide.

Bitrack System improves robotics with an open, flexible and versatile platform formed by a column of four arms that allow controlling the movements of surgical instruments with submillimeter precision. This system improves the efficiency of current surgical robotics, allowing precision surgery to be universalized.

The purpose of universalizing precision surgery includes the distribution and installation of the Bitrack surgical robot in the greatest number of hospitals possible, including highly complex ones, medium-sized hospitals and even essential specialty centers.

Jaume Amat, CEO of the company, argues the purpose of Rob Surgical: ”With current systems, when a hospital plans a surgery with a robot, it does everything with it, both the parts where it makes sense and those where it does not provide differential value. This makes robotics slow, expensive and inflexible. Furthermore, it has caused these types of operations to remain trapped at the top of the pyramid: in reference hospitals and surgeons and in highly complex operations.”

These are some of the main features that allow the Bitrack to universalize precision surgery:

  • The cost per operation is reduced to more than half of what each intervention with a current robot currently costs.
  • The design of this surgical robot allows for more intensive use and very easy transportation, in such a way that operations could be performed in one center and the next day moved to another location, optimizing its performance.
  • It is an open robotic platform, compatible with the systems, monitors, cameras and trocars that the hospital already has.
  • One of the great advantages of the Bitrack system is its single-use instruments. They save cleaning costs and are compatible with the same trocars.
  • The system only consists of two elements: robot and console. This reduction makes it easier for the robot to be changed and moved from one operating room to another much more easily.

Universalizing precision surgery helps decentralize health systems, allowing medium-sized hospitals to increase the complexity of their portfolio of surgical services. Furthermore, robotic surgery is a very good tool to attract and retain talent in this segment of hospitals and, most importantly, standardizes the medical service offered by health systems in each of the territories, which translates into a better service for the patient.


JP Morgan Healthcare Conference

From January 8 to 11, 2024, the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference, the leading event for the medical sector worldwide, will be held in San Francisco, California. Rob Surgical will be represented at the meeting by Jaume Amat, CEO of the company, and Todd Usen, leader of the Board of Directors.

We are very excited to be part of this world-class conference. During these days, the entire city becomes the epicenter of healthcare investment, being the largest industry event that connects leaders, startups, technology creators and members of the investment community.

Jaume Amat and Todd Usen will meet with different partners in the sector to share impressions, experiences and progress. If you would like an appointment to learn more about Rob Surgical and the Bitrack system during the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference, write to us at or by direct message on our LinkedIn account.