Universalizing precision surgery means reaching a larger number of patients, offering more robotic surgeries in more hospitals. To achieve this, the features of the Bitrack surgical robot align with the needs of patients, surgeons, hospitals, the business model, and market trends.
The advantages provided by the Rob Surgical robot are based on three core concepts: the 4 robotic arms, the on-demand system, and the open and portable platform.
How do these functionalities benefit different stakeholders in the healthcare sector?
The business model is also aligned with our purpose, which is characterized by two key points:
- “Pay per use”: The hospital uses the robot only when it actually needs it, paying solely for the usage, which reduces costs for the center by eliminating the need for a large upfront investment to acquire the robot.
- Mobile robots: The Bitrack robot is a portable platform that can perform interventions in different hospitals on the same day, benefiting more patients from various healthcare areas.
How is the universalization of precision surgery achieved?
The robot travels to where the patients need it and is capable of performing different interventions in various locations. This results in a greater number of patients treated, more robotic surgeries performed, and an increased number of robotic hospitals.
The open robotic platform is compatible with the equipment the hospital already has, so there is no need to purchase new systems. The “pay per use” method reduces the center’s investment in equipment.
By having robotic surgery available, hospitals offer more opportunities to their surgeons, making it easier to attract and retain talent, boosting the value of the team and the specialization of the hospital.